Tag Archives: blue

KBs Double Candied 49 Merc


Heres a quick look at a reeeeeally killer led sled Ive just put together (finally). Its a 100% 49 Merc with double candied fade and flames, plus some Majik Blue Pearl licks that were shot, and remasked with a slight offset making some licks appear to have a slight highlight or shadow (depending on available light). A base of candy gold, tangerine, red, violet, to blue candy fade was used for the roof and upper side flames, which were masked and a SECOND (altho light) candy fade was applied..giving it that ‘double’ candied look.
KB Kustoms Double Candy Flamed 49 Merc!
The body received a side window post removal as its only major change (and even thats subtle!). This one was a pain however due to the ‘real’ tail and head lights used in the original version. The headlights could not be removed without destroying them, but the tail lights were saved and reapplied after MUCH (and I DO mean ALOT!) aggrevation due to their size. I actually lost one and had to steal a replacement from another stock cast..but thats ok..when I do that one, it WONT be needing the stock lights! 👿
KB Kustoms Double Candy 49 MercIF I had not been so happy with the way the paint had turned out..at one point, I woulda just forgot about using the tail lights and started over, filling in/remolding the rear lights area entirely. But..eventually..they made it. Im not totally happy with how far they protrude, but, this is it, and honestly..the paint more than makes up for that!
OH..the front lights are brass brads with the heads machined down to size for the lamps to fit with a slight ‘frenched in’ look.

Here is the official store item link where you will find larger pics and of course have an opportunity to adopt this piece.


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streaming film Mr. Peabody & Sherman