First flame layer on Thunder buses-wip

GEEZ…didnt think I was ever gonna get a chance to work on these again!
Between health issues and car stranding me then subsequent diagnosis/repair that have been plaguing me recently…I just did not know if I would make headway on these again.  But here is a rare shot of the first flame licks.  Now keep in mind, everything under the masked areas will be black.  Ive lightly sprayed a custom pearl blue over the top then added first flames in custom medium metallic grey.  Next layer will be brighter silver or chrome.  Then I’ll unmask and coat with candy blue…or thats the plan right now. 
Have to work in the wee hours because of the heat here lately too.  But..thats the least of the hurdles of late. 
Anyway..enough painting!
Hope to have these and more done this week..we will see!
